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Friday, August 14, 2009

Edison Chen Sex Scandal-Edison Gil short video clip leaked

Did anybody ever wonder Edison Chen incident is a deliberated acts from himself ?
1.Edison high school is in Vancouver B.C. Canada.
2.Have computer skills and ơwn an Apple Computer.
3.All laptop or computer come with a factory CD to allow ơwners to format the unit back to the factory setup with little computer skills.
4.What could possible go wrong in the computer, Screen, coooling fan, motherboard. rechargable battery and software.

5.Assuming Edison do have the computer problem , wouldn't he take his computer back to Apple factory authorized dealer for service . ( I mean factory parts available )
6.Edison is a bright man, knowing he have hot sensitive items in his computer,would you really think he is that innocent to pass his computer to the third party, knowing the computer technician have to open the computer files to vertified the software in the computer is running OK .
7.If Edison is the computer tech., would he not make a copy himself.
8.This is a common sense , still , he lay dơwn his computer for service.
9.To a regular joe like myself , the cóst of the computer is a lot , but to Edison, it is a drop of water in a barrow,
10. The hassles he have go through ? ---computer to the gargage.
11. Am I that naive and innocent like she said, all the hot sensitive videos etc, I don't have a mass external drive to store my memories .
12. Now, Edison is claiming the scandal items are his copy right .
13. When all celebrities involved in the scandal paid off by Edison , that would be Edison copy right items.
14. In order Edison to claim his copy right materials , his lawyers have to files in courts around the world.
15. While all thếse courts proceedings , many years will go by . Edison Chen name will be in the news around the world.

Anyhow, found this short video clip of Edison F*#ing Gil from the back~
So this teaches us not to make sex tape unless you wanna share it to public (which is a good thing to the public =p)



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